ReUp Education

Self-Care Tips for Adult Learners

When it comes to success in work, school, and life, tending to your mental health is more important than ever. Here’s how you can exercise self-care as an adult learner.

Coach John: Been There and Being There

Coach john portrait

  Having completed school as a parent and full-time employee, ReUp Success Coach John Reyes helps people learn how to set and prioritize achievable goals. by Meilee D. Bridges As a ReUp Success Coach, John Reyes Jr. often spends time chatting with adult learners about their motivations. As individuals reflect on their goals, John encourages them to think about maintaining accountability and setting manageable expectations for themselves—just as he had to do for himself throughout college and graduate school.  Success coaching, he explains, “is an opportunity for you to have that conversation with somebody who is really just here to […]

How to Ask for and Accept Help

How to Ask for and Accept Help

Asking for help can be uncomfortable, but advocating for yourself is an essential part of achieving success. Here are some tips for reaching out and getting the guidance you need.