Why Now? Recognizing the Right Time to Go Back to School
Tips for evaluating readiness and deciding when to take the leap back into education.
Keep up with the latest insights and ideas for achieving your goals in higher education
Tips for evaluating readiness and deciding when to take the leap back into education.
A teacher once told Stephanie, “If you do not learn something new every day, you’ve wasted your day.” Stephanie took this to heart and pushes herself every day to challenge the way she thinks and how she interprets the world. But this wasn’t always the case. Growing up in small town Missouri, going to college seemed like a pipe-dream. No one in her family had graduated from college, and, looming large, was an expectation of joining the workforce immediately following high school graduation. Stephanie knew in order to go to college, she had to get a scholarship; and to get
It took me eight years to finish my undergraduate degree. Three different schools, two states, two kids, one marriage, and multiple degree changes later, I finally had my degree. I was one of those people who “life” happened to throughout my undergraduate experience. I never planned it to be that way, which makes my academic journey so fitting for a person like me. Growing up in a single parent household with my mother and sister, I internalized at a very early age that I needed to have firm control of my life in order to not feel like I was
Last month, more than 4,500 leaders in the education and workforce innovation sector met in San Diego for the annual ASU GSV Summit. The Summit which is one of the most important and impactful convenings in our industry — celebrated its 10th anniversary with speakers including Priscilla Chan, Tony Blair, Michael Horn, and our very own COO, Anne Kubek. When you gather such a large group of passionate and engaged people in one place, all looking to solve big audacious problems, you end up generating a high volume of ideas and creative solutions across three marathon days together. With the
These six truths will mean different things to different campuses – certainly, in your environment, you will know best how to convert the truth into action to drive improved retention. Here are some questions to ask your leadership team that may help point the way to new initiatives, or modifications to current programs, in order to increase student engagement and retention: TRUTH ONE: SOME STUDENTS LEAVE, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO. Take inventory of your retention initiatives (particularly those that cost meaningful time or money). How many of them are aimed at keeping students who would stay anyway? Are any
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