Leaders in
the future of
higher ed

See how the most mission-driven institutions are serving more students with ReUp.

svsu entrance sign

Saginaw Valley State University

Saginaw Valley State University’s internal efforts to re-enroll adult learners who had stopped out were not yielding the desired results. Within two months of partnering with ReUp, the school saw major gains.

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Texas State University

As one of the largest public institutions in the United States, Texas State University is used to doing things at scale. They turned to ReUp to scale its support for stopout students without sacrificing the quality of care and personalized attention.

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Eastern Michigan University

Eastern Michigan University

Eastern Michigan University (EMU) is a regional comprehensive university located in Ypsilanti, Michigan. They are an institution committed to creating an environment of opportunity, where students learn in and beyond the classroom to benefit both local and global communities.

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