The Next Chapter: Keisha’s Comeback

Keisha Solomon paused her education after facing numerous challenges and hurdles. But her newfound passion for psychology and a determination to help others led her to re-enroll at Triton College. Keisha has successfully balanced work, church, and school with the support of her ReUp Success Coach.

Keisha Solomon originally paused her education in 2009 while attending Triton College. At that time, she pursued higher education without a genuine interest, merely following a set path. “After high school, I went to Triton because that’s what you’re supposed to do, but there was no passion or clear direction,” she shared. Over the years, she explored various fields, including occupational therapy, nursing, and business, but nothing truly resonated with her. Life challenges and external pressures led her to stop her education at Triton College.


Overcoming challenges and finding motivation

Keisha’s lack of direction led to an on-and-off attendance pattern. “So I kind of often, off and on for years, dropped a lot of classes, stopped going to a lot of classes, just not being successful due to a lot of just external forces, trauma, and so on,” she explained. She decided she wouldn’t return until she knew what she genuinely wanted to do.

Her determination resurfaced when she decided to re-enroll at Triton College for the spring 2024 semester. This time she was driven by a clear goal: earning an associate’s degree in psychology, with aspirations for a master’s degree to become a counselor. Her renewed interest in psychology stemmed from a long-standing fascination with the subject and a desire to help others. “I took a psychology class in high school and was very interested in it,” she explained. “Helping people has always been my passion, whether through occupational therapy, nursing, or now psychology.”

It’s not about getting a degree because that’s what you’re supposed to do. This is what I want to do and what I feel called to do.”

— Keisha Solomon


Personalized support from ReUp

After a long period of self-reflection, Keisha began the re-enrollment process. “I started this in September of 2023, doing my financial aid, calling the school, getting my transcripts, and talking to advisors about what I needed to do to enroll,” she recounted. “It was just hurdle after hurdle. I had to get all kinds of letters written. The loan process was crazy because I didn’t qualify for financial aid. Even registering was difficult because of my previous unsuccessfulness at Triton. There were hurdles in getting different holds lifted off my account and some of those things were just hard to get over.”

Even with setbacks, Keisha remained determined. She knew that she needed help, so after receiving an email about ReUp’s services, she decided to explore it further. “I didn’t really want to go back because I was thinking of my 18-year-old experience, but I decided to see what they had to say,” Keisha said. Her ReUp Success Coach, Coach Ruth, played an important role in encouraging her and guiding her through the process.

“Speaking with Ruth was so encouraging. She understood my faith and provided support from a perspective that resonated with me,” Keisha shared. Ruth provided concrete, actionable steps that guided her through the re-enrollment process efficiently. “Ruth walked me through every step of the process. Her encouragement was pivotal,” Keisha said. This support was essential as she navigated the complexities of returning to school, dealing with the practicalities of re-enrollment, and overcoming her anxiety about writing papers and meeting academic expectations.


Balancing life and education

Balancing coursework with a demanding schedule presented another significant challenge. Keisha had to manage her job, church responsibilities, and personal life. “The biggest challenge was balancing work with school and dealing with all the other responsibilities, but I made it work,” she explained. Keisha worked with Ruth on determining priorities and time management. She also utilized support resources offered by her school, such as academic advising and counseling services, which helped her stay on track. Additionally, she communicated openly with her employers and church community about her educational commitments, which allowed her to adjust her responsibilities when needed. This approach helped Keisha successfully complete her first semester back.

Keisha’s journey emphasizes the importance of perseverance and seeking support when needed. Having a dedicated support system proved crucial. “Having someone who understands your journey and is willing to walk with you through it makes all the difference,” she advised. From logistical challenges to balancing work and study, her determination remained steadfast.


Looking ahead

Keisha plans to finish her associate’s degree at Triton College and then transfer to a four-year university to pursue a bachelor’s degree in counseling psychology. Ultimately, she aims to earn a master’s degree and become a licensed counselor. Her goal is to help others navigate their own challenges and traumas, drawing from her personal experiences and passion for helping people.

This time, she is not just pursuing a degree; she is working towards making a meaningful impact on society. “It’s not about getting a degree because that’s what you’re supposed to do,” she said. “Or getting a degree to make more money or getting a degree for whatever other reason. Getting a degree in psychology is what I want to do and what I feel called to do.”

Learner Pro Tip

Everybody's life looks different. But if you’re in a place to do it, then take that step. You can do it. Whoever you are, if you want to, you can.

— Keisha Solomon

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With the support of ReUp and her determination, Keisha Solomon is on her way to achieving her educational and career goals, showing that it’s never too late to find your true path and make a difference.